Sell My Harp Terms and Conditions
1. Definitions in this agreement:
- "SellMyHarp", "Sell My Harp", "TAFmusic", "TAF Music", "we" or "our" means the business, people or team running the website known by the domains and
- "SellMyHarp website", "Sell My Harp website", "TAFmusic website" or "TAF Music website" means any web pages hosted at the domain or and any related pages linked to the site
- "This website" means the SellMyHarp Website and/or the TAFmusic Website.
- "Service" means the website and any other service provided by and/or
- "Item" or "items" means any musical instrument, printed music or music related accessory advertised on the SellMyHarp or TAFmusic website.
- "Seller" means anyone who uses the website to place an advertisement for either a musical instrument or printed music whether such an advertisement is paid or placed free-of charge under a promotional scheme.
- "Advertiser" means anyone who uses the website to place an advertisement for either a musical instrument or printed music whether such an advertisement is paid or placed free-of charge under a promotional scheme.
- "Registered user" means anyone who is registered as a seller, teacher, or any other user who may be registered to place an advertisement on the SellMyHarp website or the TAFmusic website.
2. Using this website:
- Various links within the website (including, but not limited to: Contact Seller and Request a Payment Advice) are provided as a convenience to users of the Sell My Harp and TAF Music websites and may only be used to contact an advertiser directly in connection with their advertisement on the Sell My Harp website and/or TAF Music website.
- Messages submitted through the contact seller buttons and responses made through the Sell My Harp messaging system may be monitored to prevent abuse, A user who is considered to have abused these facilities or violated the terms and conditions may, at the discretion of the owners of the Sell My Harp website, be barred electronically from accessing all or any feature of this website.
- Sell My Harp and TAF Music take various steps to assess the authenticity of advertisements placed on this website but, as advertisements may be placed by users who are not personally known to either Sell My Harp or TAF Music, neither Sell My Harp or TAF Music can guarantee any advertisement displayed on this website is for a genuine item. Potential buyers must assure themselves of an item's authenticity prior to purchasing the item.
- Sell My Harp and TAF Music provide links to an advertiser's PayPal account within an advertisment, where appropriate, as a convenience to the advertiser and potential buyer. A transaction made using such a link it wholly between the advertiser and the buyer and does not involve either Sell My Harp or TAF Music in any way.
3. Your obligations as an advertiser:
- You will only place advertisements for used musical instruments, used printed music, music-related accessories or other items that may be specifically allowed from time to time on the website.
- Each advertisement placed must be for only one specific item.
- You warrant that you have legal title to the item or specific permission of the owner to sell the item or advertise the item for sale.
- You warrant that, to the best of your knowledge, any item offered for sale through this website is genuine and not an unauthorised copy of the item.
- You will describe any items advertised on the Sell My Harp and TAF Music websites as honestly and completely as possible to give potential buyers a fair and complete understanding of the used musical instrument or used printed music.
- You will provide a fair and realistic estimate of the market value for the item advertised.
- You will charge a fair and realistic amount for shipping and handling which must be directly related to costs incurred in preparing the item for shipping and the cost of delivery.
- Both the seller of the item and the item itself must be within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, including Channel Islands and other Offshore Islands that make up the UK while the item is advertised on the the Sell My Harp and TAF Music websites.
- You will not place a link to any external website or upload text or image(s) that deliberately advertises a business, event or anything outside of TAF Music.
- Upon completion of a successfully financial transaction, you will deliver the item to a successful buyer in a timely manner.
- You will mark an item as sold or unavailable so as to remove the item from the listings on the Sell My Harp and TAF Music website once an item is sold or is otherwise no longer offered for sale through the website.
4. Obligations for All Registered Users:
- You will not use the Sell My Harp or the TAF Music websites to commit or encourage a criminal offence.
- You will not submit to or propagate via either the Sell My Harp website or the the TAF Music website any material which is offensive, or which may be abusive, indecent, obscene or menacing, or in breach of confidence, copyright, privacy or any other rights.
- You will not submit any information for display on the Sell My Harp or the TAF Music websites which you know to be untrue and therefore misleading.
- You will not knowingly or recklessly transmit or distribute a virus either via the website, in electronic communication in regard to items offered on the website or in any other manner connected with this website.
- You will not hold Sell My Harp or TAF Music or any of its third party contractors liable in relation to the accuracy, reliability, availability and performance of the resources accessed through the Internet which, are beyond the control and are not in any way warranted or supported by Sell My Harp, TAF Music or their third party contractors; or permit any third party to do any of the above.
5. Ownership of intellectual property:
- Information and material published on the Sell My Harp or TAFmusic website is owned by the seller. Upon submitting an advertisement, the seller grants to Sell My Harp and TAFmusic a royalty-free, irrevocable licence to copy and distribute such information and material to allow Sell My Harp and/or TAFmusic to make the same available via the Sell My Harp or TAFmusic websites or for reasonable use in directly advertising the Sell My Harp or TAFmusic services.
6. Display of advertisements:
- Sell My Harp and TAF Music will display any advertisement that meets with the terms and conditions for a continuous period for the number of calendar days stated at the time the advertisement is placed.
- The management of Sell My Harp and/or TAF Music reserves the right to edit any text or images added to an advertisement to maintain the consistency and integrity of the website.
- Sell My Harp and TAF Music reserves the right to remove any advertisement from the website if such an advertisement is deemed by Sell My Harp or TAFmusic to breach the terms and conditions without notice to the seller. No refund or compensation in any form will be due to the seller under such circumstances.
- Neither Sell My Harp or TAF Music is party to any agreement between a seller and potential purchaser of the item and will not become involved in any disputes.
- While Sell My Harp and TAF Music will do all in its power to maintain an on-going service, we accept no responsibility for failures of the website, equipment, internet infrastructure or third party suppliers. If the website is not available to the general public for an extended period, Sell My Harp and TAFmusic's sole remedy will be to offer an extension of the advertising period to cover the time the site was unavailable.
7. Cookie Policy:
- Cookies are used on this site to allow logged-in, registered users to administer their ads.
- An admin cookie is set when a user logs in and is deleted when the user logs out. Only very basic data is stored in an encrypted format in the cookie and is used to speed up the placement of advertisements.
- We do not use cookies to track your usage of the website and do not pass cookie data to a third party for any reason.
8. Governing Law:
- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English Law and the courts of England and Wales have jurisdiction to resolve any disputes.
9. Notices:
- Notices given under this agreement shall be delivered by electronic mail in the case of either party. Electronic mail shall be deemed to be delivered within one hour of being sent.
Updated: 05 August 2013